Bipods & Tripods
Protect your gear and travel with ease with our durable line of bags and cases.

Extra-Large Tripod Bag | Orange
PN: 8153-10-ORG
Features a full-length zipper and shoulder strap
Measures: 82 x 9 OD inches (208.28 x 22.86 OD cm)
Ideal for Extra-Tall Fiberglass Elevated Tripod 5321-17-ORG
Ideal for Radio Antenna Tripods 5300-11 or 5300-12
Weighs 1.88 lb (0.85 kg)
Heavy-Duty Prism Pole Tripod Bag
PN: 8180-20-ORG

Designed to carry a prism pole with the tripod attached
The bag has a fold-over flap and is made from nylon Cordura and durable Rhinotek
7.5 ID x 60 inches (19.1 ID x 152 cm)
Weighs 1.55 lb (0.70 kg)

Heavy-Duty Instrument Tripod Bag
PN: 8150-20-ORG
This heavy-duty bag holds all major brands of aluminum or wood tripods
Made of heavy-duty nylon Cordura and Rhinotek
Features pull string ties at the top
Weighs 1.85 lb (0.84 kg)
Padded System Bag – 58 inch
PN: 8157-01-ORG

Padded system bags hold pole w/prism, bipod, controller, and radio
Dimensions: 58 inches long with a 6 inch O.D
Weighs 2.70 lb (1.23 kg)​
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Super-Duty Tripod Bag for Major Brands
PN: 8154-11-ORG
This heavy-duty bag will carry many different brands of tripods, including SECO and Crain Tri-Max
Measures: 48 x 8 OD inches (121.9 x 20.3 OD cm)
Weighs 1.80 lb (0.82 kg)